GameteGuard®: CSS approved sperm protection

"We at RMSS have found great customer satisfaction from using GameteGuard®.  We see more bulls passing through QC by using this product.  In 25 years of being in the AI industry this is the most exciting innovation that I have been able to use! Good semen producers to problem bulls all benefit with GameteGuard extender."

Russ Princ
Semen Division Manager - Rocky Mountain Sire Services / Leachman Cattle of Colorado

The Orange Advantage®

MPTI uses the goodness of plants to protect sperm in it's most vulnerable state. Healthy sperm = more pregnancies.
The ORANGE Advantage: It's a protective extender!

A bottle of GameteGuard extender, The ORANGE Advantage

The Orange AdvantageTM is what GameteGuard® brings to the table:

  • More early pregnancies
  • Protection of sperm cell DNA
  • Increased overall pregnancy per AI

GameteGuard® is a CSS approved, all natural, patented technology.

Our Extenders:

Cooled Extenders
  • GameteGuard®-CP (porcine)
  • GameteGuard®-flush (epididymal flush)
  • Bucking Orange™ (ovine)
Cryopreservation Extenders
  • GameteGuard®-FP (porcine)
  • GameteGuard®-FB (bovine)
  • GameteGuard®-FC (caprine)
  • GameteGuard®-FO one-step (ovine)
Contact Us!

How It Works!

It's a classic extender... improved! GameteGuard® strengthens membranes and protects against oxidants. When sperm are damaged, a free radical reaction destroys sperm cell integrity, leading to reproductive failure.
By protecting sperm, pregnancy and full-term delivery issues can be reduced, improving breeding outcomes.

Using GameteGuard® straws is easy.
When thawing straws made with GameteGuard® extenders, use proper thawing techniques:

Keep straws fully below the liquid nitrogen frost line at all times
2) When transferring to thaw bath move quickly and smoothly from nitrogen to the bath (37°C)
3) Allow straws to warm for 30-45 seconds in bath
4) Remove straws , dry thoroughly and protect from light exposure before cutting and using it.

Split ejaculate breeding trials

Breeding trial Number of animals bred Pregnancy/AI GameteGuard Pregnancy/AI Control % improvement with GameteGuard
Heifers 25 75 58 23
Heifers 90 77 70 10
Heifers 222 66 54 18
Lactating cows 423 50 40 25
Lactating cows 251 54 48 13
heifers (beef) 51 58 44 31
Beef on dairy 902 47 42 10
Beef on dairy 4900 41 36 13

Improves AI Pregnancy rates

Patented Technology

“Until a man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favor compared with the products of nature, the living cell of the plant, and the final result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life.”
Thomas Edison